
Finding your way on the UC Santa Cruz campus?

Click here for an interactive map!

For the location of lactation rooms, click "Lactation Rooms" under "Health, Safety & Facilities" at the left side of the map.

The conference will be held in the "Science Hill" area of the UC Santa Cruz campus, and lodging will be provided at the Hotel Paradox in Santa Cruz. Maps of each area are provided below.

Campus Map

This map shows an overview of UC Santa Cruz campus. The area of the Core West Parking Structure is highlighted. Core West is situated at the Western edge of Science Hill. Please see the Travel page for information on free parking at Core West.

Merrill College on UC Santa Cruz campus (Friday)

This map shows how to get to the Merrill Cultural Center from the hotel-shuttle drop point and from the parking lot. If you need assistance getting up the hill from the parking lot, please call the info desk. The Baobob Lounge is just outside of the Cultural Center - head there and follow the signs.

Science Hill on UC Santa Cruz campus (Saturday/Sunday)

This map shows the Science Hill area in detail. Buildings and rooms that will be used during the conference are marked with stars. PSB is short for Physical Sciences Building, and NS is short for Natural Sciences.

The Cowell Hay Barn (Saturday Dinner)

The Hay Barn is located at the base of campus, as shown below. Parking at the Barn is limited, but additional parking can be found across the street in Lot 116.

All-gender restrooms

The map below shows the locations of all-gender restrooms on UC Santa Cruz campus. You can bookmark this map here.

Santa Cruz & Hotel Paradox

This interactive map shows the city of Santa Cruz, centered on the conference hotel.