
We aim to make CUWiP accessible to everyone.

All meals and accommodation during the conference are organized and the costs are met by CUWiP.

You do not need to book or arrange accommodation on Friday or Saturday night. Travel to the conference is usually paid for by your home department. In cases where your department or other sources can not cover the cost, there are funds available for travel support so no one has to miss out on CUWiP for financial reasons. In order to access those funds, please email to request travel support as soon as possible.

Travel costs will typically be reimbursed after the conference. Before you book a plane ticket, or any other travel ticket costing more than $100, you must first email the cost and itinerary to to receive advance permission prior to incurring the cost. Significant costs which are not pre-approved may not be reimbursed per UC Santa Cruz policy.


To apply for reimbursement, you will need to complete the following within 2 weeks of the conference:

  • A letter from your department stating the funding they are (or not) able to provide. This must be on the institution's letterhead with a signature from the department chair or manager.

  • A completed UCSC Payee Setup 204.

  • A completed UCSC Post-Travel expense form.

    • This will be completed by UCSC. Please send to

      • Your full name

      • Email address

      • Phone

      • Home address

      • Requested expenses to be reimbursed with associated date (if driving, indicate so and I will calculate miles for you)

      • PDFs of any receipts

        • For flights, a printed email of the confirmation should include the payment, which is sufficient.

        • Flights will also need proof of reasonable cost, such as a printout of similar flights through Kayak. Most likely we already have this for you.

All forms can be found in the UCSC Forms Directory; you can find an example post travel form there. Please email for more information or any other questions.

Experiencing PDF issues? Please visit this page and try right clicking the form link (ctrl + click on Mac) and selecting "save target as" or "save link as" to save the form to your desktop, then open the form with Adobe Reader or Acrobat Pro.